Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Polaroid update + gluing is the new black

Here are two Polaroids taken today in Berkeley - Future Table and Jim Sweeney (and his incredibly cool sander).  Jim is a professional through and through and he's going to bring the boards that were split by another place (which I won't mention here because they had terrible service).  He will joint the boards (how many of you knew that 'joint' is also a verb?), book-match them and cut to size. After that he is going to run them through this sander a few more times to make the tops perfect.  The first image was taken as the boards were coming out of the saner and I was supposed to catch them - no better time to get my trusty Polaroid 680 out to fire off an exposure or two.

And now... if you are hungry and are down in the wood shop and you put this pattern of glue on your 1x3 board - wouldn't it make you want a slice of a baguette?  Gluing is the new black - you're either gluing or you're out of the look.  I do love the process of joining wood together - almost makes me think I can bring the trees back to life.  Alas - all I can do is not buy too much, recycle what I can and reuse what is around.

Tomorrow is another day - hopefully the paint on the counter doesn't need another coat (it already got 4...), then I can put the first lacquer coat on.  For now - let's see how those epoxy drips are going to like 60-grit sandpaper and a bit of elbow grease.


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